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We want you to feel connected at New Beginnings Fellowship Baptist Church! That connection happens as you get to know the people and the staff at the church. But beyond that, it happens as you find your own special place to serve the Lord and make a difference in the lives of others. We have many ministries in the church to serve those who attend our church services, but many also provide ways in which you can play a part in serving others.


Please contact the church if you would like additional information about any of these New Beginnings Fellowship ministries.

Children's Ministry

New Beginnings Fellowship Baptist Church Children’s Ministry cares about your child’s relationship with God. We strive to provide a safe and fun place for them to encounter His presence with Sunday school each Sunday morning and AWANA program each Wednesday.

Student Ministry

We believe in training this generation to become leaders, and to occupy every area of their lives for the Kingdom of God. Our Student Ministry focuses on developing young people who love God, love others, and are equipped, ready and prepared to bring the Kingdom of God to their campuses. We are dedicated to creating an environment with powerful worship, inspirational teachings, and an engaging small group setting that encourages participation by all members of the group.

Recovery Ministry

Celebrate Recovery is a Christian 12-step program at New Beginnings Fellowship Baptist Church known as T.G.I.F (Thank God I'm Free) Recovery Ministry. T.G.I.F Recovery is based on The Beatitudes (Matthew 5), which is God’s road to recovery, wholeness, growth, and spiritual maturity. T.G.I.F. Recovery is a safe, confidential place where anyone can bring all kinds of hurts, habits, and hang-ups into God’s marvelous light . . . and most importantly, learn how to leave them behind and move forward. Recovery meets every Friday night at 7PM.

Women's Ministry

Our Women’s Ministry strives to help every woman feel loved, accepted, encouraged, and equipped to pursue a passionate, growing relationship with Jesus Christ, and to respond with gratitude for that relationship by serving others in love while making great friends on the journey.

Men's Minisrty


The purpose of the Men's Ministry of New Beginnings Fellowship Baptist Church is to help each other grow in Christ-likeness by providing opportunities for men to become more spiritually mature through a closer relationship with Jesus Christ and our brothers, and to become Godly influences within our home, church and community.

Life Groups

Life Groups are small groups of 10-20 people who meet in homes throughout Sulphur Springs and Hopkins 

County and are a vital part of our ministry and mission.


We believe that people grow spiritually when they have a commitment to God and the Bible and significant relationships with other Christians. We can grow spiritually best when we pray, study the Bible, and fellowship together on a regular basis. Our Life Groups will help you grow in these relationships.

Missions Opportunity

The ‘Great Commission’ is very real to us at New Beginnings Fellowship Baptist Church. We are passionate about supporting missionaries at home and abroad that are boldly carrying the message of the Gospel to communities other than our own. We’re committed to not just offering financial support, but support in the form of the sending of ministry teams, and unceasing and vigilant prayer for our friends in the mission field.


No less important than sharing the Gospel in distant lands, we believe that the very people on our block should also have an opportunity to encounter God and see His goodness. Our foremost goal is to love the town of Sulphur Springs and its surrounding areas of Hopkins County and to invite our local friends to come to know God, and in turn, make Him known.

New Beginnings Fellowship
Baptist church



155 N. Jackson Street

Sulphur Springs, TX 75482

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